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R&D Awards and Grants


To date, IBC has received over US$200,000 in grants, awards and prize, including the First Prize awarded by the AFRT in 2000. In addition, the company has obtained full support from the Regional Council of Brittany, the French Ministry of Education, Research and Technology (MENRT), the French Ministry of Health and the French Ministry of Industry.


“ …I have the pleasure of announcing that the (AFRT scientific) Council members have unanimously awarded you the (First) Prize (for Scientific and Potential Industrial Applications) of 250 000FF for the quality of your project.”, French Association for Therapeutic Research (AFRT)

“ …I have the pleasure of announcing that, given the quality of your (IBC’s) project « MedicalAdvisor», the committee has decided to award you the label of the “réseau RNTS”. ”. 
Guy Cazuguel, Comité d’Orientation Stratégique du RNTS - Ministère de la Recherche, FRANCE


In 2001, IBC has obtained the label of "Innovative Company" from the National Agency for Technology Transfer  (ANVAR).


 IBC’s other prizes and awards include:

·     The RNTL Label for its “Medical Student” project – Awarded by the “National Network of Research and Innovation in Software Technologies” of the Ministry of Industry, France – 2001-2002

·     The RNTS Label for its “Medical Advisor” project – Awarded by the National Network for Health Technologies” of the Ministry of Research, France – 2000

·     The IPE Prize for Entrepreneurial Initiative - Awarded by “l’Ecole des Jeunes Créateurs d’Entreprise”, France - 1999



Target Customers’ perspective in:


E-Learning and E-Training

“I wish to confirm our interest in IBC`s e-learning/e-training software on anatomy for both our students and professors... ”, Dr. Amandine Harbis, Laboratoire de Biochimie et Sémiologie Clinique, Faculté de Pharmacie, Marseille, FRANCE.

“ I believe that this (IBC e-training module) would have a great value for medical students…This type of simulating teaching process would be extremely beneficial to at least two categories of physicians… very useful. … They would invest in such software since it would become much easier to look at their case studies and textbooks. It also would be more fun for them…CardioAdvisor would be an excellent creative and interactive training which would bring a lot of excitement.”
Pr Bill Bommer, Cardiologist, USA

“… A system which seems to me well adapted for a more modern approach to training students and providing training and support for the intern.”
Prof. Pierre Cosnay, Cardiologist, Tours, FRANCE

…The Cardiolab system has aroused my interest. Two aspects in particular are of interest for me in my non-hospital-based Cardiology practice.  The first is the speeding-up of access to medical information during my daily tasks. Secondly, aside from professional congresses and direct training, current continuing medical education consists mainly of reading on a daily basis books and journals which contain for the most part articles of a general nature that do not provide answers to practical, specific questions. I should add that it is also quite difficult to obtain bibliographical references when one is located far from a University library. It would therefore be most interesting for the practitioner to have quick access to a database of patient cases, together with the encyclopedic and bibliographical data…”, Dr. T. Lelievre, Cardiologist, Laval, FRANCE


Decision Support and Clinical Research

“IBC’s modeling tools could be used both as a unique teaching tool, as well as test-bed for alternative therapeutic treatments designed to improve the prognosis of our patients.”, Prof. Sylvain Bélisle, Anesthesiology Dept., Montreal Heart Institute, CANADA  

 “The Cardiolab project (from IBC) is extremely interesting…We are facing a true revolution that will bring about rapid improvements of our knowledge and our field of practice.”, Dr B. Dupont, Président du Syndicat National des spécialistes des maladies du cœur et des vaisseaux, FRANCE

“I think that this kind of material will be very useful to improve their understanding of basic phenomena…I think that the users for such modules would be critical care physicians, intensive care physicians, and cardiologists as well…This would give the novice a really
good feedback on the critical choices and decision points in the diagnostic process.”, Dr. David Jones, Cardiologist, USA


Medical Devices, decision support & training

“I really appreciated the quality of IBC’s presentation at the Montreal Heart Institute and could envision several areas of collaboration including the development of: an interactive transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) model (for research and training); a model to predict the effects of extracorporial circulation on cardiac functions; and, a diagnostic model for post-surgical cardiac instabilities.”, André Denault MD, FRCPC, Anesthesiology Dept., Montreal Heart Institute, CANADA


Pharmaceutical Research

“I wish to confirm our research institute’s vivid interest in working with IBC to develop (a multi-scale modeling platform) in integrative physiology…in the context of our transcriptome, proteome and physiome research…the stakes in this endeavor are extremely important and will likely influence the direction of research both at a fundamental and industrial level…several pharmaceutical companies have already expressed interest in our laboratories’ developments.”, Dr. Philippe Lory, Directeur de Recherche CNRS, Institut de Génétique Humaine (IGH), Montpellier, FRANCE.


Experts’ Perspectives

This clinical research project (IBC’s Cardiolab project) deserves to be retained in view of the technological possibilities of the location where the project will be conducted, the quality of the prior achievements of the researchers in the project, the methodology presented and the expected results in terms of cost reductions and the ensuing benefits to patients suffering from arrhythmias.”, National Expert (anonymous) on the Scientific Evaluation of the PHRC


“This is about a very original project in which the department of Cardiology and Vascular Diseases is fully committed. The Cardiolab project unquestionably deserves to be supported from a scientific stand-point and it is precisely this position that has been taken by the Regional Delegation for Clinical Research. ”, Prof. JC DAUBERT,  Dept. of Cardiology & Vascular Diseases, Report of Expertise, Rennes, FRANCE


Government Recognition



“New methods with which to achieve modularity and interoperability…are likely to stem primarily from research on interacting models… Experimentation with coupled models differing in both representation and granularity should be especially informative…Siregar et al. (IBC) report impressive gains in this regard.”.

William F. Raub, Ph.D., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Science Policy
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Department of Health and Human Services United States Gov’t

On Designing the Human Physiome Project: Enhancing Physiological Modeling – A Research Agenda Towards New and Better Methods
International Union of Physiological Sciences, Petrodvoretz, Russia, 1997

We are pleased that you have accepted our invitation to the scientific conference, Synergy between Research in Medical informatics, Bio-informatics and Neuro-Informatics: Knowledge Empowering Individualised Healthcare and Well-Being, which will be held on Friday December 14th at the Pyramids, Place Rogier, Brussels. Morever, thank you for your participating as speaker in the afternoon workgroup 4 titled Discovering Diversity, Potential and Challenges in the Heart of the Synergies.”, Jean-Claude Healy, Dec. 14, 2001, Head of unit, DG INFSO B1, On behalf of the Organizinvg Committee EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate-General Information Society: Systems and Services for the Citizen Applications Relating to Health


...your (IBC’s) participation in the (Brussels) conference (6th PCRD) was instrumental in its success…We look forward to any suggestions you might have to facilitate synergy between research in informatics and sciences”, Jean-Claude Healy, Dec. 14, 2001, On behalf of the Organizinvg Committee EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate-General Information Society: Systems and Services for the Citizen Applications Relating to Health


“In December 2001, more than 400 experts from 32 countries gathered in Brussels (Belgium) to explore research synergies between medical informatics, bio-informatics and neuro-informatics. The specific objectives of the conference, which was held under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of European Union and two Directorates General of the European Commission-Information Society and general research, were defined as follows : - to design synergetic R&D activities for the next decade among the above three domains, - to initiate work on a strategic document for the European Commission services (DG Information Society) –to devise a strategy for building both knowledge and tools for supporting individualized health management in Europe by implementing forms of co-operation among these domains. A number of participants submitted position papers, which are included in the issue of Methods of Information in Medicine, 2003;42;111-89.”, Georges J.E De Moor, MD, PhD, Research in Advanced Medical informatics and telematics

IBC's paper included in this special issue is entitled :

“Computational Integrative Physiology : At the Convergence of the Life and Computational Sciences - A Case Study in Cardiac Rhythmic Disorders” 
P. Siregar, N. Julen and J.-P. Sinteff

[more informations]


Industry Recognition


“  …Shanghai Medical University (SMU) has significant training needs…and I want our Chinese partners to see at least one exemplary sample of French “savoir faire” and I believe that IBC would be an excellent representative of this…”, Yves Poret, Chargé de Relations Internationales, CEE

“Your prototypes developed in Cardiology are of great interest for our members and the community of medical professionals in general : more notably, your expertise in integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in « virtual » learning/training environments are excellent endeavors pointing the way towards the future.”, Denis Roy, Chef de direction, S3M, CANADA

 I fully appreciate your professionalism and the relevance of the work that you have achieved. Your way of integrating Artificial intelligence, Human Physiology and Informatics in the field of automated training is extremely interesting on many levels. ”, Dr Jacques Veronneau, Vice Président, FrancoMedia Inter Inc., CANADA


What the Press Says… 

IBC has been selected as one of the most innovative French S.M.E. in the bio-pharmaceutical field”, L’Usine Nouvelle” magazine, January 2000.

IBC is one of only 18 projects selected nationally to be sponsored for the next two years by the Ministry of Research…the Company was recognized twice this year: obtaining the First Prize from the Association Française pour la recherche thérapeutique (AFRT) and later by being selected by the Comité d`orientation stratégique du Réseau National pour les Technologies de la Santé (RNTS)…”, Rennes Atalante Info, 1Q 2001, FRANCE

A new step toward remote delivery of medical services by Integrative BioComputing ... …Industry in Western France is efficient and competitive…Skills on hand include top flight R&D, engineering, consultancy/prototype design and production.”, Ouest Atlantique, Western France Development Agency