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The Team
IBC has three founder members who represent the current management team:

Dr. Pridi Siregar - General Manager
As the founder of the project and manager of the company, Pridi Siregar sets up the scientific foundations of the projects in collaboration with national and international institutions and establishes the strategic orientation of the company. With global thinking skills, Dr Siregar has refined his leadership and managerial qualities through his experience in numerous French and European projects. His research has been widely published in international scientific journals on topics ranging from mathematical modeling to artificial intelligence and medical education. Dr Siregar holds an M.Sc in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, a PhD in Signal Processing and Computer Science and a Certificate of Specialization in Immunology."

Dr. Nathalie Julen - R&D
Bridging the gap between theory and application, Dr. Julen's multi-disciplinary background enables her to understand and encompass the scientific, medical and technical aspects of the project. She has done post-doctoral research in Austria in molecular biology and is accustomed to working with international teams.  Dr Julen holds a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology, an M.Sc in Computer Science  and a PhD in Medical Informatics. 

Mr. Jean-Paul Sinteff - R&D
As the technical expert of the group, Mr. Sinteff brings to the team both his great technical skills and his ability to grasp new medical and scientific subject matters to be used in the implementation of the products. His former working experience in the industry allows him to bring an essential know-how in the quality control and the development of IBC’s software. Mr Sinteff holds an M.Sc in Computer graphics, Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmics.