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IBC develops educational contents for the French Virtual Medical University (UMVF.org).


Jan. 2003 


IBC's modeling work has been recently recognized by the European Union scientific committee and was used as reference for the definition of the 6th EU Framework Program for Research and Development (6th FPRD). 

Siregar P., Julen N. , Sinteff J.P., Computational Integrative Physiology : At the Convergence of the Life, Physical and Computational Sciences, Methods of Information in Medicine, Special Topic on Synergy between Research in Medical Informatics, Bio-Informatics and Neuro-Informatics. 2003;42:177-84  www.schattauer.de

[more informations]


June 2001 

Supported by French Ministry of Industry

IBC's Virtual University in Medicine project has been selected by the "Comité d'Orientation Stratégique du Réseau National pour les Technologies Logicielles (RNTL)" to be funded by the French Ministry of Industry for the next two years.



In 2001, IBC has obtained the label of "Innovative Company" from the National Agency for Technology Transfer  (ANVAR).



Sept 2000

 Supported by French Ministry of Research

IBC's Medical Advisor project has been selected by the "Comité d'Orientation Stratégique du Réseau National pour les Technologies de la Santé (RNTS)" as one of the eighteen projects selected nationwide to be funded by the French Ministry of Research (MENRT) for the next two years.


June 2000


First prize given to IBC's cardiolab  by the "Association Française pour la Recherche Thérapeutique" (AFRT)  for the best new project in the biopharmaceutical field (250 KF).


Jan. 2000 

«L’Usine Nouvelle» has selected IBC among the most innovative French SME’s for the Year 2000 in the biopharmaceutical field.